My name is Dmitria but everyone calls me Bella. I am a 9 year old Washingtonian born and raised in the District of Columbia . I love all things girly such as lip gloss, getting my nails done, perfume, and sleepovers with my besties.
I love to travel the world, meet new people, and experience different cultures.
So far I’ve been to: Florida to swim with stingrays and dolphins, Paris to see the eiffel tower, Bahamas, Costa Maya, Honduras to hold sloths and monkeys, and Cozumel Mexico.
My favorite hobbies are swimming and making bracelets. I am currently in gymnastics and I hope to make it to the olympics one day.
I love being a Washingtonian, there is so much to do here. One of my favorite things to do is go downtown in the heart of the city and have picnics at the monument, visit the swings at the wharf, and go visit the Lincoln Memorial and reflecting pool at night. During the summer nights my family and I love riding scooters at night to catch a summer breeze and sometimes we go to insomnia cookies, because they stay open till 3 a.m.
This summer and fall I plan to venture into the pageantry world for girls my age representing my city . Super excited . Stay tuned!